Suya Soul

Would you like to be part of the Suya Soul experience?

I’m working on a two part project for my new music. The 1st will be a 6 song EP Album titled Mama Sunshine and the 2nd a Full-length Album #SuyaSoul. Mama Sunshine album will give listeners a more intimate setting with me. I share joys, memoirs and adventures of being a female in the 21st century, while staying transparent and open with the tough situations that life throws our way. The full-length album will include additional songs I’ve written and I will be working with talented industry professionals, musicians and producers.

I believe this upcoming project has the ability to connect with anyone that listens. I tell love stories through my music, not just love for your significant other, but all levels and areas of love. Love for the world, friendship, children, God and for life as a whole. I strive to create music that combines heart and soul messages that’s relatable and keeps us grounded and appreciating life. So, please continue to read and follow my journey. Simply pre-order the new album or any exclusive options being offered below.


Be part of the Suya Soul Experience! Select any Exclusives listed below!


You’ll get a warm “Thank You” from me. Your name will be listed in the Thank You section of the digital album art and i’ll be forever grateful for your support 🙂


You get the full digital album and acoustic EP download plus your name will be listed in the Thank You section in the digital album art + Digital Acoustic EP Album + Digital Full Length Album +Your Name in Digital Album Art


You get a beautifully designed digital booklet with complete song lyrics, photos and more, plus a full digital download of the album, karaoke tracks of select songs for sing along plus your name will be listed in the Thank You section in the digital album art + Digital Acoustic EP Album + Digital Full Length Album +Your Name in Digital Album Art


You’ll be mailed a signed physical CD of the album designed with photos and full lyrics and translations, plus you get a full digital download of the album + karaoke, a digital booklet with complete song lyrics, photos, and your name will be listed in the Thank You section in the digital booklet. (*$15 for shipping outside North America) + Digital Acoustic EP Album + Digital Full Length Album +Your Name in Digital Album Art + Digital Lyric Booklet + Signed CD


In memory of my mother and celebration of all mothers #MamaSunshine, 50% of this perk will go to IamWANDA non-profit for Women and Girls Advancing Nutrition Dietetics and Agriculture Education. You’ll receive my signed physical CD with all associated perks plus a copy of the Where’s WANDA book. *Please add $15 for shipping outside North America + Digital Acoustic EP Album + Digital Full Length Album +Your Name in Digital Album Art + Digital Lyric Booklet + Signed CD


Get exclusive TolumiDE T-SHIRT & Tote Bag. Signed Physical CD with Your Name printed in Album Credits. Full Album and EP digital downloads with karaoke music, Digital Lyric booklet of the album, your name listed in the Thank You section in the digital art and all associated perks listed + Digital Acoustic EP Album + Digital Full Length Album +Your Name in Digital Album Art + Digital Lyric Booklet + Signed CD + Your Name printed in Album Credits


Pick a personal favorite song of yours and Ill cover it and send it your way!! plus Signed Physical CD with Your Name printed in Album Credits and all associated perks. PS song selected should be PG 🙂 Would like my young nieces and nephews to also get to listen to the cover tunes + Digital Acoustic EP Album + Digital Full Length Album +Your Name in Digital Album Art + Digital Lyric Booklet + Signed CD + Your Name printed in Album Credits


TolumiDE will write an original song for you, on a topic of your choice and post it on YouTube, dedicated to you! plus plus Signed Physical CD with Your Name printed in Album Credits and all associated perks. Ps, the song might make it to my next album 🙂 + Digital Acoustic EP Album + Digital Full Length Album +Your Name in Digital Album Art + Digital Lyric Booklet + Signed CD + Your Name printed in Album Credits


One hour Live performance with band of musicians. Will sing songs from TolumiDE music catalogue with the option of a personalized cover song of your choice. Plus exclusive wristbands and music download cards for your guests (Max 500). *Details to be worked out and agreed upon by management. Travel, accommodation and sound engineering not included + Digital Acoustic EP Album + Digital Full Length Album +Your Name in Digital Album Art + Digital Lyric Booklet + Signed CD + Your Name printed in Album Credits

I’m an artist passionate about using my music gift to engage, enlighten and empower. This year is an extra special one for me as I remember my loving mother who passed away 20 years from cancer. And so i’m Making New Music filled with messages of Love and Inspiration.

It will be an absolute honor for you to accept my invitation to be part of this project simply by pre-ordering my upcoming album or any of the exclusive perks listed which include options such as your name in the Thank-you credits, signed physical album CD, beautifully designed lyric booklet, personalized cover or original song and even a live performance option for your special event!

For many of us, music is a part of our lifestyle. We listen to it in the car, gym, at work, at parties, at weddings, on radio, online –list is endless! I believe in the power of music to entertain, enlighten, encourage, and engage, and I would love your support towards creating good quality music that I’m hoping will become part of your music playlists. I also have a special perk that offers 50% to support the IamWANDA non-profit campaign for women and girls. Please be sure to look at the entire list!


Simply Pre-order Album or any exclusive perk options listed below

I’ve always loved to sing, dance, and entertain. It all stared at a really young age and my parents have many memorable stories to share. My entrepreneur mum designed stylish outfits from her clothing store to wear for featured performance and my artist architect engineer dad would take me to performances while encouraging me to me to be the best I could possibly be with my art. Music naturally became a part of my life. While in Nigeria I sang at church, in primary and secondary school, with friends and on occasion had some singing and dancing routines with my four siblings. When I moved to Canada to study Fine Arts at York University I also sang in an all-female reggae band. That was my first introduction to formally performing in the music industry.

In the final year of my undergrad studies, my mum died of cancer. I remember all I could think of when I got the call she had passed away, was how I had planned to call her the day before and I never got around to do so. I had to come to terms with what mattered most, wasn’t what she may or may not have said if I had called her the day before, but what she brought to my life during our time together. When I reflected on her strength and resilience through her battle with cancer and her smiles and ability to maintain her glow through tough moments, it made me think of the power of Sunshine. It always comes out to brighten up the day and give a sense of hope, love and feeling.

After graduation, I spent some time as a broadcast graphic designer, I decided to embark on a journey into music as a solo independent Artist. I thought a lot about “Where do I start, what themes to share, what genres to target, what people would want to listen to my lyrics.” My ultimate goal became to focus on sharing and inspiring with 3 main ingredients – Love, Living and Laughter. With hopes that my music will shine rays of sunshine to all listeners.

And so here I am today, with two albums, multiple singles, music videos, awards, nominations, national recognition and international performance experience all of which have been funded independently. It will be a great honor and joy to have you join me in creating my first fan-funded music album!


In memory of my mother and celebration all mothers who radiate with super sunshine “Mama Sunshine”, I have chosen to support IamWANDA – a non-profit organization established by Tambra Raye Stevenson which stands for women and girls advancing in nutrition dietetics and agriculture. I’m inspired by Tambra’s passion for education and advocacy for healthy living with good nutrition. I believe health is wealth and if we get back to the basis of feeding ourselves with good natural nutrients we surely can reduce and eliminate several diseases and illnesses plaguing our community. Her project is especially dear to my heart because my mother studied dietetics and agriculture and I’m certain that she would equally have as much passion to support this wonderful cause. Visit for more info.

Also, if you currently unable to donate or can only donate a small amount, you can still have big impact. Word of mouth is your greatest gift. YOU are tastemakers to your network and social media outlets. Share the campaign with your Family and Friend is if you part of the social media world certainly share on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr and any other i left out. You are welcome to give me a shout out @TolumiDE or simply Tag me #TolumiDE in a selfie of you rocking out to one of my songs. My fan base is growing daily, and it is because of amazing people, generous with their time, like you!

I truly appreciate your time and all support I receive!

Follow TolumiDE:

Instagram: @TolumiDE

Twitter: @TolumiDE

TolumiDE (pronounced toe-lu me-day) is an award-winning Nigerian R&B Afro-Pop World Inspiration and Soul Singer-Songwriter. Currently a Washington- DC resident, the Toronto born York University graduate and alum singer for four-time Canadian Reggae Music Award nominated group ‘Women Ah Run Tings’ shares her “LiveLoveLaugh” life as a blogger at and servers her community as a member of the non-profit and an Entertainment Director for FestAfrica, the largest African Festival in Maryland. Read FULL bio at